About the Joseph W. Campbell ScholarshipAdapted from the RES 2004 Member Information pamphlet
Joseph Campbell served as the Executive Director of the RES between 1977 and 2007. He served for eight years as the supervisor of the Town of Gates and several years as a councilperson. He held the position of Clerk of the Monroe County Legislature just prior to becoming the RES Executive Director. He also completed a term as Legislator, 4th District, Monroe County Legislature and during that period, 1980-81, served as chairman of the legislature's Public Safety Committee and as a member of the Ways and Means Committee. Prior to entering elected government service, Campbell was employed for 13 years by the Gleason Works in the Manufacturing Analysis Department of the Industrial Engineering Division. Campbell was a 42 year member of the Lions International. He was the recipient of the 1993 Citizen of the Year Award, presented by the New York Sate Society of Professional Engineers. This annual scholarship memorializes his extraordinary contributions to the RES over the 30yrs he served as the Executive Director. |
hOME OF THE RES!180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100 | Administrative Director Jessie Cocquyt Copyright © Rochester Engineering Society |